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I hear you asking, “Why do you want to go on this mission’s trip?” Well, let me tell you.

As I prepare for my trip, I find myself thinking about why I am going. There are many reasons that I can think of, traveling the world, getting a chance to be on my own, or try new things. None of these satisfied me as the real reason for why I am going on this trip. As I ponder this question I find an answer that I know to be true. 

I am going on this trip for 2 reasons:

1) God’s call

I feel that God has called me to this over the last few months. He has been leading me in several ways over the past 6 months as I wrap up my senior year of high school. He has led me to what I believe will be my future career, a mentor, the right church, and some fantastic friends. And now he has led me to this trip. His plan for my life is slowly being revealed to me and this is the next step in that plan.

2) Spiritual growth

By going on this trip I will be enter into new and challenging environments. By being in these new environments I will get to grow in my faith and truly make it my own, rather than a ritual. I will be able to minister and live out my faith to those who may have never even heard the word Christian or know about the Bible or who Jesus is.

God has grown me a lot in the past 6 months and I look forward to seeing how he will grow me on this trip.

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